From insulated solutions to an integrated maintenance system

Hörmann KG Brockhagen is one of over 40 production sites within the Hörmann Group and a leading manufacturer and distributor of industrial and garage doors for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Its global network, commitment to quality, and focus on innovation are key to its success. Ensuring flawless product quality requires seamless processes—including maintenance. To meet this challenge efficiently, the company relies on the Boom Maintenance Manager (BMM).

Information collection and preservation across multiple systems

Hörmann KG Brockhagen handles machinery maintenance both in-house and through external service providers, with timely coordination with production being essential in both cases. The aim is
to maintain an clear overview of upcoming maintenance tasks and ensure precise documentation. The Boom Maintenance Manager (BMM) provides a structured overview of upcoming maintenance
tasks and facilitates efficient planning and execution of these jobs.

By centralizing all maintenance-related information in the BMM, Hörmann KG Brockhagen gains a comprehensive view of its plant conditions. This enables proactive decision-making and timely implementation of necessary measures.

Efficient maintenance through control and transparency

„The Boom Maintenance Manager greatly simplifies the maintenance of our plants—from planning maintenance orders to documentation. With the BMM, we have a tool that ensures the necessary transparency.“

High adaptability to company-specific processes

Since conventional standard solutions could not fully support Hörmann KG Brockhagen‘s specific processes, the company sought a solution that was largely standardized yet flexible enough to adapt to individual requirements. This flexibility was found in the Boom Maintenance Manager (BMM) from Boom Software, built on the in-house developed BORA framework.

A key factor in choosing BMM was its seamless integration into Hörmann KG Brockhagen’s existing system landscape, ensuring both process efficiency and the necessary transparency. Efficiency is further enhanced by the BMM MobileClient, which simplifies the documentation of reactive maintenance.

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